Solving problems in a professional and private context with the "Systemic Perspective"

How to recognize entanglements


Most conflicts and blockages in human interaction do not arise at the factual level. They arise from underlying human entanglements. These originate within the Family System and often work for generations.


They create problems and conflicts, including illness. In our private lives and we fall into the same traps over and over again, or live in (suffer) from the same patterns, we are “blind”, as it were. This also applies to the areas in our work.


When working with clients it is especially important when working with clients to recognise entanglements and to discover together with them where the entanglement comes from in order for the “blind to the see”!


Recognise and understand entanglements

Do you notice that:


During your conversation with your clients have you noticed that you are not sufficiently trained to view certain aspects or conditions of their System? Situations, bottlenecks, questions or conflicts arise time and time again in your own professional and private life, which is precisely why a trained look is required to a valued the System?

Do you think: “Yes, that’s how it is …”, but you are struggling, …, “again”, you think, …”it is a training, … that never stops, …! Investment in time, money, re-introspection”. You feel that could be a journey into an unknown and uncertain terrain.

This unsettles you and makes you uncomfortable and you know it urges you from within and without.


You want to be able to:


  • recognise entanglements by learning the “Systemic Perspective”.
  • understand how Systems work and impact in a good and in a bad
  • recognise what works in System and what releases in System


You feel that you want to integrate this precise knowledge into your existing work with conflict, sickness, crises, trauma when working with clients.


You want to quickly recognise and help dissolve!




Recognising the System, what is!

My Offer:  Education and Further Education in Systemic-, Family-, Trauma-, Structural-, Organisation- and Equine Constellations


This program is aimed to people from different healing, teaching and consulting disciplines. To people who have already appreciated and love

the clarifying and liberating effects of Systemic Work with Systemic-, Family-, Structural-, Trauma-, Organisation or Equine Constellations. They also want to integrate this knowledge into their work.

Both in Education and in Further Education you will learn and deepen the “Systemic Perspective”


How to develop the “Systemic Perspective” for Systemic Constellation Solving? So you can quickly find authentic solutions in your own field. And with these released processes you can accompany your clients more easily.

Systemic Education in Family and Systemic Constellations in Tuscany rspective"

My Systemic “Integrative-Creative Approach”


My “Systemic Integrative-Creative Approach”, which I have developed with my clients for decades, is aimed at people like you!

It is suitable for people from different healing, teaching and consulting disciplines. To people who are already familiar with the liberating effects of Systemic Work.

And – who want to integrate the solution impulses released by Systemic Constellations into their work with my “Systemic Integrative-Creative Approach”.


The “Systemic Perspective” will thus become a clear guide to your problem solving in a professional and private environment




Education in Family, Systemic, Trauma and Equine Constellations.To recognise what is, what affects, what entengles, what disentangles

An Internal Journey

to your Familysystem

This Systemic Education and Further Education Program invites you in ALL SENSES!


With my Holistic Systemic Topics you can look forward to using your resources and taking a new “Systemic Perspective” on your and your clients future.

Clear, competent and powerful for you and your professional or private life you will discover suitable, creative solutions to problems.


This concrete approach results in:


  • More Independence:

By experiencing, honouring and seeing what is entangling you, you become free, and less conditioned by your ancestors fate.

You determine what belongs to you and thus expand your own identity.


  • More Quality of Life:

Through your own transformation process during the training you can unlock your ancestors important resources and integrate them.


  • More Flexibility and Creativity:

Internally free, you draw from within important tools dealing in your professional and personal life.


  • More Order, Structure:

Knowledge of Systemic Orders sets in motion a personal and professional process. That enhances problem solving dynamics for you and your clients. This leads you to more security, strength and love.


  • More Specialist Competence:

You now have an important tool and an “Inner Attitude” in dealing with your clients. “The Systemic Perspective” makes you safe, clear and competent.



These qualities create a new perspective for you and bring you more success, both in your professional practice, as well as in your private life.

Advanced A. B. C. are elective blocks with 3 modules each

You are free to choose out of these from the 3 main topics the most suitable one for you!

Most modules are of a 4day duration with 32 TU (teaching unit)

Completion of Basic I, Basic II and one of the Advanced  – 10 modules full

 Systemic Facilitator: You can apply for a Qualification

Certified Systemic Facilitator DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)

The 3 Phases of Education


Phase 1: Learning and Understanding

You will learn the Systemic Orders and different Setup Methods.

You understand the effect of the Phenomenological Field and the Phenomenological

Approach of the facilitator.


Phase 2: Go Deep

You understand more and more what kind of Constellations you use. You deepen your knowledge,

your feeling and your “Systemic Perspective”


Phase 3: Practice under Supervision, Start and Integrate

You can now guide your own Constellations and your knowledge in a protected environment

and start to integrate your experience into your own work and daily life.

Systemic Education


10 modules  41 days – 328 TU (Teaching Units)

30 days (240) TU Theory, Praxis, Selfexperience, Supervision with me as a DGfS Teaching Therapist

  4 days ( 32)  TU with a certificated Systemic Facilitator DGfS  in my Institute

  2 days  (16)  TU with a certificated Systemic Facilitator DGfS in my Institute

  5 days (40)  TU in Peer Group in my Systemic Education Institute

Basic I Competence

Family Constellations

3 modules –  4 and 5 days each, 1 module 6 days

Learning the basics,

Learning solid Basic Knowledge for continuing your work

Systemic Orders, Systemic Approach

Group and Individual Constellations



Your Bonus!

If you book 2 or more sections, I will offer you a special price reduction of 330,00 each and a live meeting via a webinar for reflection, exchange and deepening within each training group after each module.


Basic II Competence 

The interrupted Movement to Loved Ones

3 modules 4 days each

Dive deeper into the Systemic Field – sharpen the “Systemic Perspective”

Topics like: Lost Twin, different kinds of work with the Reconciliation with Parents Reconciliation work based on (Prekop/Hellinger) with the Interrrupted Movement, (G. Boyesen)-Trauma Work, Birth Canal,  Inner Family Constellations, 

Symptom Constellations, how to work with Victim – Perpetrator – Dynamics and Supervision

Your Possibilities!

Advanced A – Advanced B – Advanced C are Elective Sections 

with 3 modules each:

Depending on your inclinations and your professional field you have the possibility to choose between one of the three subject areas!

Each module is a 4day seminar with.32 TU

Upon completion of all 10 modules for the Systemic Education you can apply for a:certificate as a

Certified Systemic Facilitator DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)

Advanced A  Competence 

Structural- and Organisation Constellations

3  modules 4 days each

Dive deeper into the  Systemic Field to sharpen the “Systemic Perspective”. Topics such as:Internal and External Structural Constellations, Organisational Constellations, Money, Heritage and Symptoms Constellations, Systemic Coaching, Supervision Constellations

Advanced B Competence 

Trauma Constellations

3 modules 4 days each

Dive deeper into the Systemic Field – sharpen the “Systemic Perspective”

Clashes with various Traumas, Binding trauma, Birth traumaPerpetrator – Victim – Dynamics,

Constellations with the Internal Family System, (IFS),

Set up with (IoPT) Identity-oriented Psychotrauma, Supervision

 Advanced C Competence 

Systemic Equine Constellations

3  modules 4 days each

Dive deeper into the Systemic Field – sharpen the “Systemic Perspective”

Topics like: dealing with the horse as a projection carrier and as a representative in Constellation Work, coaching with horses

The triad horse – human – teacher or therapist, Transfers / Conter-Transfers, horse inventories, Supervision

After the blocks A, B, or C you will have a more in-depth perspective, quickly recognising and helping dissolve problems. You can now set up and problem solve with the “Systemic Perspective”
You will integrate this knowledge into your work.


You can apply for a Starting as a Certified Systemic Facilitator  

DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)


for experienced persons in Systemic- or Family Constellations

3 modules 4 days each

price: 2.550,00




You deepen and specialize your knowledge and develop the “Systemic Perspective” of different dynamics and possibilities in Trauma Work.

You will be able to integrate your Systemic Knowledge in one-on-one Set Ups and  Systemic Constellations into your Trauma Work. Or with different forms of different kinds of Trauma Constellations. 

Clashes with various traumas, Binding trauma, Birth trauma, Perpetrator – Victim – Dynamics, Constellations with the Internal Family System, (IFS),

Set up with (IoPT) Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Supervision



Systemic Equine Constellations

Systemic Equine Constellations or Equine Coaching show you how to integrate the “Systemic Perspective” into your work with horses. You will be able to work with humility joy and empathy without renouncing your previous concepts!

Topics like: Dealing with the horse as a projection carrier, as a representative in Constellation Work, Coaching with horses,

the triad horse – human – teacher or therapist, Transfers / Countertransfers, Constellations for ill horses, horse inventories, Supervision



Ancestral Rituals – Myths – Fairy Tales – Chants and  Systemic Work

Ancestral Nature Rituals teach you and your clients to connect to you and your clients ancestors energy. Empowering their lives, and enhancing their resources without losing identity..

Fairy Tales, Myths, Chants and Systemic Working

By incorporating fairy tales, myths and chants from all cultures into the Constellation Work, you gain access to a deep level without words. You create a non-verbal field and thus a deep connection to your clients.

That brings the possibility of solutions!

Learn The Orders of Love through Generations


Traumatherapeutin Anja Perniß zur Systemischen Online-Ausbildung

🌻 Following the sun.

💖 Ein ganzes Ausbildungswochenende mit Strukturaufstellungen zu Zielen und Ressourcen und tiefen Prozessen geht zu Ende.

🌸 Ich gehe gern sehr tief mit und doch ist es manchmal anstrengend und ich mag nicht immer gleich hinschauen.

🌸 Was sind meine Ressourcen? Ach, doch so viele. Stimmt. Hatte ich vergessen. Danke für die Erinnerung, was mich auch noch ausmacht und so sehr nährt.

💖 Falls es jemand noch nicht wusste: Ich bin verheiratet mit einer Gitarre. ❤🎸

🌸 Was bedeutet es, die eigenen Blockaden zu entlarven, die es wieder und wieder verhindern, dem eigenen Weg völlig zu folgen. Wie viel Stärke kostet es, zuzulassen und hinzuschauen, welche Traumata da noch wirksam sind, welcher (kindliche) Anteil noch heilen möchte.

🌸 Und was darf ins Strahlen kommen, sobald sich die Nebel lichten.🌅

🙏 Danke Christine Huss-Doliana für Dein Wirken und den Raum, den Du schaffst.💖

Danke Dir liebe Anja Perniß für Deine Offenheit, Deinen Mut und Deine Beharrlichkeit!

Du hast so wundervolle Ressourcen, die in Deine Arbeit als kompetente Therapeutin und nun ergänzt durch die Ausbildung im „Systemischen Blick“ wirken und bewirken dürfen😏👍

Schön, dass ich Dich begleiten darf❤️

Nach dem Motto „lass es fließen ……🙏🌻💖

Tiertelepathin Karin Schwarzer zur Online Ausbildung

Tiertelepathin und Ausbilderin Karin Schwarzer berichtet über ihre Erfahrungen in der Systemischen Online-Ausbildung 2020.

Wie der “Systemische Blick” sie sofort erfasste, wie meine Leitstute Balahe über den “Systemischen Blick” mit ihr kommunizierte.

Wie und was sich in ihrem persönlichen Leben, wie auch in ihrer tiertelepathischen Praxis, vor allem auch als Ausbilderin in Bewegung kam.

Karin im Interview

Modeschöpferin Elke Burmeister zur Online Ausbildung

Die Modeschöpferin Elke Burmeister-Haug berichtet, was sie bewog sich systemisch auszubilden.

Wie der “Systemische Blick” in ihr Leben kam, was er veränderte und jetzt sogar in ihrem Beruf

Veränderungen bewirkt!

Im Interview

Life gave me Christine Huss-Doliana

I made a deal with life, some years ago – that Life was promising me rewards, if I was able to listen to myself, appreciate here and now, and really living my life the way that is me, fully out!

At the time I had doubt about myself, life, other people and how choose health and joy…..because I had fear, and self destruction.

I was not in balance with life, and was hiding my potential to protect myself from life.

I have fantastic family, work , hobby, friends and body of myself – but I was unused to take care of my space and my person.

It was much easier to take care of others.

My body had to show me by becoming very sick.

That motivated me to start asking for help. Help to find whom I am, and how to take care of myself. I was not able to ride my horses, and that as-well, pushed me to take decisions at the right direction.

Life gave me Christine Huss Doliana a spiritual and psychical guide – to help me from fear, getting to know myself and my family, ancestor.

She with her incredible wisdom and presence in a strong way, was not afraid for the gosts!

5 years we worked, and the results today is amazing!!!

I am not suffering from being me, I am dancing forward together with myself!

I remember a thougt, in the very beginning meeting with Christine:

“how come, that the stone on the ground, has more right then I, to be loved from life?”…..and now, life and I can have fun together, and create the education I need for being grateful to be alive her in this world, in this body of myself, with this mind of myself! Me and the stone, has now the same rights to be alive here and now – and love life back!

To come to this state, I had together with Christine go through many gates, that was closing myself from life.

Now life can reward me for listening and always being present, not afraid for living!

I am just so grateful…I am just so grateful!

Thank you Christine from all my ❤️ for your time and effort!

It has paid off very well!

With love. Hanna

Fortbildung in Trauma-Aufstellungen
Journalist Jacqueline de Sanctis

The Black Hole

I wandered the streets of London existing within a painful and divisive reality.

The adopted daughter of a prestigious family, escaped Jews from Nazi Germany, I had been educated by nannies and went to a posh school.  But in reality, I was a distraught child lost in a maze of inner pain.

I had once been a Shirley Temple look alike with blonde curls. Mummy and daddy loved the child but rejected the troubled teenager, a cuckoo in a robin’s nest, a girl who smiled to be accepted but wanted to die.

My inner state was messy. I walked the edge of a big black hole, ready to slip in it from one minute to the next.  As a child a voice had emerged from its darkness, a menacing whisper, as an adult it became a terrified scream.

I was kicked out of the house at sixteen. My disturbed behavior was too much to bear for my already wounded yet incapable parents.

I hitchhiked Europe covering up a black inner hole with a flower child demeanor to make up for the inner horror.

Something was wrong with me, I knew that, very wrong.  But I was on the hippy trail and travelled to India “to discover myself” I spent time with a Guru. But the black hole never went away.

No matter how much I tried I felt as if my life hung by a thread with continual thoughts of suicide.

I met an Italian on a Roman beach and fell in love. We married.

He died in a scuba diving accident four years later. I lived for my son.

He was the only reason I could survive as a young mother.

The fear of total psychological imbalance and a sense of actually being IN the black hole…was threatening my life every day… like a Sword of Damocles.

Years later, I had moved to Tuscany where I met an amazing woman in the local health food shop.  She spoke Italian with a German accent.  I was nervous that day for the usual reasons.  A bill had come, I had argued with my son, I felt unwell.  She gently enquired whether I had heard of Family Constellation Therapy. “ What!” I screamed.  “I have been to India; I do not need Family Constellation therapy ” I was furious that she should dare to imply.

 I did not know what was going on in my life.

Something had moved within though.

I could not identify it then…yet.

I was on the edge of a breakthrough.

I kept bumping into Christine in the Tuscan village.

She was friendly, we had coffee together and chatted.

I decided to do a first session with her.

I had learned to trust her.

I liked her.

She appeared to work on what had caused all that inner oblivion.

We created my family ambiance.

We discovered the absent mother and father.

I found myself in a deadly circle of nothingness, standing on the edge of it with my son, both of us close to death.

So, who was my genetic mother, what had happened to her?

I later discovered that my birth mother was called Pamela.

She had given me away against her will at the end of World War II.

After the therapy sessions one thing led to another.

I discovered I had four siblings.

I discovered that my mother loved me and had never wanted to separate from me after three months of breastfeeding.


Well, my half-brother Mark who is a writer and an opera singer was so overwhelmed when I finally had the courage to contact him, that he wrote an article for The Jewish Chronicle in the UK, recounting my story but also my mother’s and his.

In his article he said that he and his siblings had always known about me that Pam, my mother, had never forgotten me and all her life regretted losing me.

The article is called

As a result I had experienced with Christine

 It opened a doorway

that guided me to understanding,

 cleared up inner confusion and gave me back

 the strength and self-love I had lost. 

 I was no longer desperate.

  I was no longer confused. 

 I no longer felt my life was in consistent danger or experienced that sense of panic and loss within my heart and soul. 

 I was no longer negotiating a divisive reality.

Isabel, Osteopathin und Familienstellerin

Es gibt keine Zufälle im Leben!

Vertraue – es führt Dich der richtige Weg an den richtigen Ort!

So durfte ich Christine kennen lernen, mit ihr zusammen viel Selbsterfahrung sammeln und mein Leben mit der Ausbildung zur Familienstellerin bereichern.

Nicht nur in meinem eigenen Leben finde ich darin eine große Unterstützung, sondern in meiner täglichen Arbeit mit Patienten.

Liebe Christine, ich danke Dir von Herzen für die Weitergabe Deines umfangreichen Wissens. Deiner einfühlsamen Präzision und Klarheit, Verstrickungen zu erkennen und Deine Begleitung, damit Lösungen zu finden!

Human- und Pferde-Osteopathin Catrin Strobel

Catrin Strobel, nicht nur Human- und Pferde-Osteopathin, auch Heilpraktikerin und Homöopathin erzählt ihre Geschichte wie sich mit dem “Systemischen Blick” ihre Arbeit, ihr Leben und Wirken nach und nach verändert.

Ihr Leben persönlich und professionell ist ruhiger, klarer und präsenter geworden mit Menschen und mit Pferden.

Hier im Interview

Heilpraktikerin Anja Lehr zum “Systemischen Blick”

Heilpraktikerin Anja Lehr erzählt im Interview über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Systemischen Arbeit. Warum sie sich für die Ausbildung mit dem “Systemischen Blick” in der Arbeit mit Körperlich-Seelischen Symptomen entschieden hat.

Wie es ihr schon nach 6 Monaten möglich ist, mit Einzel-Symptomaufstellungen mit ihren Patienten anzufangen zu arbeiten.

Hier im Interview

Elke Burmeister-Haug

Mein erster Tag als Gruppen-Aufstellerin

Liebe Christine,

Ich möchte mit Dir ein schönes Erlebnis teilen, das ich am Sonntag vor einer Woche hatte:
Ich war zusammen mit einer Klientin auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Gruppen Aufstellung.
Ich hatte zwar keine Angst, nur sehr viel Respekt vor dieser wunderschönen Arbeit mit einer Gruppe.
Der Aufstellungstag fand in einem Yoga Raum in einer schönen alten Villa statt, die einer Bekannten gehört. Diese Villa befindet sich in der selben Strasse, in der auch das ehemalige Haus meiner Großeltern steht.
Auf dem Weg dorthin habe ich mich ein bisschen verlaufen und ich merkte schnell, dass ich „automatisch“ den Weg eingeschlagen habe, den meine Oma immer mit mir gegangen ist.
Ich habe mich nicht beirren lassen und meine innere Stimme sagte mir, dass es wohl einen Grund haben wird. 
Wir kamen dann an dem Hausmeier Großeltern vorbei und da spürte ich ganz stark meine Oma, die mich an die Hand nahm – wie früher- und zusammen mit mir zu dem Haus ging, in dem der Aufstellungstag stattfand.
Ich war so berührt. Sie wollte mit dabei sein und ich habe einmal mehr die Kraft meiner Ahnen gespürt.
Die Aufstellungen waren sehr gut und ich habe von jeder Teilnehmerin viel Dankbarkeit und so ein tolles Feedback bekommen: „ Wir sind so einen guten Schritt weiter gekommen“. … Ich auch…Danke Oma!
Auch da durfte etwas transformiert werden – nicht mehr Richtung Missbrauch sondern  Heilung und der wunderbaren Arbeit, die ich in die Welt bringen darf. Dahin begleitet sie mich jetzt.
Danke Liebe Christine für Dein Wissen und Deine stete Begleitung.
Ich freue mich auf das erste Modul am Wochenende.
Herzlichen Gruß und eine liebe Umarmung

“Kleidung wirkt. Nach innen. Nach außen.”
Elke Burmeister
Modeschöpferin |  Systemische Beraterin
83410 Laufen

Das Leben gab mir Christine Huss-Doliana

Ich habe vor einigen Jahren einen Deal mit dem Leben gemacht – dieses Leben versprach mir Belohnungen, wenn ich in der Lage war, mir selbst zuzuhören, hier und jetzt es zu schätzen und mein Leben wirklich so zu leben, wie ich es bin, völlig aus!

Zu der Zeit hatte ich Zweifel an mir selbst, dem Leben, anderen Menschen und wie ich Gesundheit und Freude wählen sollte … weil ich Angst und Selbstzerstörung in mir hatte.

Ich war nicht im Gleichgewicht mit dem Leben und versteckte mein Potenzial, mich vor dem Leben zu schützen.

Ich habe eine fantastische Familie, Arbeit, Hobby, Freunde und meinen Körper  – aber ich war es nicht gewohnt, mich um mich, um meinen Raum und meine Person zu kümmern.

Es war viel einfacher, auf andere aufzupassen.

Mein Körper musste es mir zeigen, indem er sehr krank wurde.

Das motivierte mich, um Hilfe zu bitten. Hilfe, herauszufinden, wer ich bin und wie ich auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Ich konnte meine Pferde nicht reiten, und das veranlasste mich auch, Entscheidungen in die richtige Richtung zu treffen.

Das Leben gab mir Christine Huss Doliana einen spirituelle und psychische Wegbegleiterin – um mir aus Angst zu helfen, mich und meine Familie, meine Vorfahren, kennenzulernen.

Sie hatte mit ihrer unglaublichen Weisheit und Präsenz auf starke Weise keine Angst vor den Gosts!

5 Jahre haben wir gearbeitet und die Ergebnisse heute sind erstaunlich !!!

Ich leide nicht darunter, ich zu sein, ich tanze zusammen mit mir selbst vorwärts!

Ich erinnere mich an einen Gedanken am Anfang des Treffens mit Christine:

„Wie kommt es, dass der Stein auf dem Boden mehr Recht hat als ich, vom Leben geliebt zu werden?“ ….. und jetzt können das Leben und ich gemeinsam Spaß haben und die Bildung schaffen, die ich brauche, um dankbar zu sein Lebe sie in dieser Welt, in diesem Körper von mir, mit diesem Geist von mir! Ich und der Stein haben jetzt das gleiche Recht, hier und jetzt am Leben zu sein – und das Leben zurück zu lieben!

Um in diesen Zustand zu kommen, musste ich zusammen mit Christine durch viele Tore gehen, die mich aus dem Leben schlossen.

Jetzt kann mich das Leben dafür belohnen, dass ich zuhöre und immer präsent bin, ohne Angst vor dem Leben zu haben!

Ich bin einfach so dankbar … Ich bin einfach so dankbar!

Vielen Dank an Christine von allen für Ihre Zeit und Mühe!❤️

Es hat sich sehr gut ausgezahlt!

Mit Liebe. Hanna

Sonja, Familyconstellation Facilitator, Germany

“There is a right time for everything, so I decided that this was the right time for my own group and spontaneously asked Steffen if he would join in. He was there immediately and we set four dates. The first one was last Saturday. We had a small group, with four participants and three lineups. And it was a very intense and beautiful afternoon with very touching moments, very fine energy and moving lines. We, as your students, would like to let you know. Steffen will contact you personally, but I can say that for both of us: We had you in our hearts and have the best of what we have learned from you, passed. With great gratitude, best regards Sonja ”

Monika, Phisiotherapist, Germany

“If we do not talk tomorrow, I would like to briefly write to you about my 60th birthday. It was a nice party. And even though you were not there, you were there! I felt very well …. I enjoyed it very much. And that is very new! I could feel the change clearly. It is my biggest birthday present! Thank you very much for your introduction to this development !!! With best wishes from my 6th decade of life ” Dear Christine, You are welcome to use that! And my profit keeps rising with every encounter with you!

Astrid, Equine-Therapist, Norway

„Dear Christine, thank you for the good skype lesson. I was very happy and light for many days. Nice feeling and felt like new beginning.It happens so much right after that put me in a different shape again. I want you to know!“

Jan, N. Germany

Ancestral Ritual – Constellation and Structural Constellation in the Nature

Dear Christine,

The Ancestral Ritual yesterday in the mountains near Porto Santo Stefano touched me deeply, opened my heart and made me find myself.

Thank you for your dedicated and always careful guidance, your ideas and your accompaniment through the ritual! The ascent through the overgrown landscape on winding paths with the visible, but by the walk even to “climbs” summit on the cliffs, is alone a wonderful experience.

However, the actual experience of this day is to do the ancestral work in this environment. In remembrance and thoughts of great-grandparents, grandparents, parents and finally their own generation, each section of the path in its different manifestation in walking becomes part of the thoughts, the soul and one’s own inner pictures.

Landscapes, the scent of nature and the soothing effort of running have made

So the section of the great-grandparents was a bit flatter at first Nevertheless, the hardships and exertions of this pre- and inter-war generation came to my mind. The section of my grandparents who participated in one or both world wars was much steeper while running – effort and agony became clearer. Through the subsequent generation of parents and our own through, we then came to the stone gate and could focus on a desire goal that we could cross with the previously “collected” images and above all the previous tributes of our ancestors – what a powerful moment. Above all, in order to have before us the vastness of the sea, of the sky, of the sun and of the cliffs ahead.
With these experiences in our hearts, we then started the return journey and – after a break over lunch, which turned out to be an important break for an “inner unconscious reservoir” for me (then only in the evening) – we had the same time again on the beach Wise way to our ancestors:

Now, with our eyes closed, on the surfaces shaped by ourselves in the sand, we have passed through the generations. All the things of the morning came to me now with incomparably greater and even greater fullness: resources that my ancestors gave me along the way. Powerful resources such as creativity, perseverance, joy in doing, also “positive obstinacy” were given to me by my ancestors, to name a few. But then for me, above all, deeply felt parental love and affection of my parents to me.

The path to the desired goal was then a very, very beautiful, heartfelt way to myself. And everything embedded in the evening mood of the sea. Magical! Exciting to deepen this experience through repetition!

Thank you for your work. From Jan from the year group with you on Podere Carbone

Isabel, Osteopath – Familyconstellation Facilitator

There are no coincidences in life! Trust – it leads you the right way to the right place!

So I was allowed to get to know Christine, collect a lot of self-awareness and enrich my life with the education as a family writer. Not only in my own life do I find great support, but in my daily work with patients.

Dear Christine, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the transmission of your extensive knowledge. Your empathetic precision and clarity to recognise entanglements and your companions, to find solutions!


Fortbildung in Trauma-Aufstellungen

Journalistin Jacqueline de Sanctis

Das schwarze Loch

Ich wanderte durch die Straßen Londons. Ich lebte in einer schmerzhaften und spaltenden Realität.

Als Adoptivtochter einer angesehenen Familie, geflohene Juden aus Nazideutschland, wurde ich von Kindermädchen erzogen und ging auf eine noble Schule. Aber in Wirklichkeit war ich ein verstörtes Kind, verloren in einem Labyrinth aus innerem Schmerz.

Ich war einst eine Shirley Temple-Doppelgängerin mit blonden Locken gewesen. Mama und Papa liebten das Kind, aber lehnten den aufmüpfigen Teenager ab, einen Kuckuck im Nest eines Rotkehlchens, ein Mädchen, das lächelte, um akzeptiert zu werden, aber sterben wollte.

Mein innerer Zustand war chaotisch. Ich ging am Rand eines großen schwarzen Lochs entlang, bereit, von einer Minute auf die andere hineinzufallen. Dem Kind in mir war aus seiner Dunkelheit eine Stimme hervorgetreten, ein bedrohliches Flüstern, als Erwachsener wurde es zu einem entsetzten Schrei.

Ich wurde mit sechzehn aus dem Haus geworfen. Mein gestörtes Verhalten war zu viel für meine bereits verletzten, aber unfähigen Eltern.

Ich bin per Anhalter durch Europa gefahren, um mein schwarzes inneres Loch mit einem Blumenkind-Gehabe zu verdecken, um den inneren Horror auszugleichen.

Irgendetwas stimmte nicht mit mir, das wusste ich, es war etwas sehr falsch.

Aber ich war auf den Spuren der Hippies und reiste nach Indien, „um mich selbst zu entdecken“. Ich verbrachte Zeit mit einem Guru. Aber das Schwarze Loch verschwand nie.

Egal, wie sehr ich es versuchte, ich fühlte mich, als ob mein Leben an einem seidenen Faden hing, mit ständigen Selbstmordgedanken.

Dann habe ich an einem römischen Strand einen Italiener kennengelernt und mich verliebt. Wir haben geheiratet.

Er starb vier Jahre später bei einem Tauchunfall. Ich habe für meinen Sohn gelebt.

Er war der einzige Grund, warum ich als junge Mutter überleben konnte.

Die Angst vor einem totalen psychologischen Ungleichgewicht und das Gefühl, tatsächlich IN einem schwarzen Loch zu sein … bedrohte mein Leben jeden Tag … wie ein Damoklesschwert.

Jahre später war ich in die Toskana gezogen, wo ich im örtlichen Naturkostladen eine tolle Frau kennenlernte. Sie sprach Italienisch mit deutschem Akzent. An diesem Tag war ich aus den üblichen Gründen nervös. Eine Rechnung war gekommen, ich hatte mich mit meinem Sohn gestritten, ich fühlte mich unwohl. Sie erkundigte sich sanft, ob ich von der Familienaufstellungstherapie gehört hätte.

 ” Was!” Ich schrie. „Ich war in Indien; ich brauche keine Familienaufstellungstherapie“

Ich war wütend, dass sie es wagen sollte anzudeuten.

 Ich wusste nicht, was in meinem Leben vor sich ging.

Irgendetwas hatte sich jedoch in ihm bewegt.

Ich konnte es damals noch nicht identifizieren.

Ich war am Rande eines Durchbruchs.

Immer wieder traf ich Christine zufällig in dem toskanischen Dorf.

Sie war freundlich, wir haben zusammen in der Bar Kaffee getrunken und uns unterhalten.

Ich beschloss, eine erste Sitzung mit ihr zu machen.

Ich hatte gelernt, ihr zu vertrauen.

Ich mochte sie.

Sie schien daran zu arbeiten, was all diese innere Vergessenheit verursacht hatte.

Wir haben mein familiäres Ambiente aufgestellt.

Wir entdeckten die abwesende Mutter und den Vater.

Ich fand mich in einem tödlichen Kreis aus Nichts wieder und stand mit meinem Sohn am Rand, wir beide dem Tode nahe.

Also, wer war meine genetische Mutter, was war mit ihr passiert?

Später fand ich heraus, dass meine leibliche Mutter Pamela hieß.

Sie hatte mich am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs gegen ihren Willen weggegeben.

Nach den Therapiesitzungen kam eines zum anderen.

Ich entdeckte, dass ich vier Geschwister hatte.

Ich entdeckte, dass meine Mutter mich liebte und sich nach drei Monaten des Stillens nie von mir trennen wollte.


Nun, mein Halbbruder Mark, der Schriftsteller und Opernsänger ist, war so überwältigt, als ich endlich den Mut hatte, ihn zu kontaktieren, dass er einen Artikel für The Jewish Chronicle in Großbritannien schrieb, in dem er meine Geschichte, aber auch die meiner Mutter und seine eigene erzählte.

In seinem Artikel sagte er, dass er und seine Geschwister immer von mir gewusst hättten, dass Pam, meine Mutter, mich nie vergessen und ihr ganzes Leben lang bereut habe, mich verloren zu haben.

Der Artikel heißt:

Dieses Ergebnis ergab sich aus der Arbeit mit Christine

Es öffnete eine Tür, sie führte mich zum Verstehen,

klärte innere Verwirrung auf und gab mir etwas zurück

die Kraft und Selbstliebe, die ich verloren hatte.

Ich war nicht mehr verzweifelt.

Ich war nicht mehr verwirrt.

Ich hatte nicht länger das Gefühl, dass mein Leben ständig in Gefahr war, oder ich hatte dieses Gefühl von Panik und Verlust in meinem Herzen und meiner Seele.

Ich war nicht länger in einer spaltenden Realität.

About me

Aus- und Fortbildungen in der Toskana in Familien-, Struktur-, Trauma-, Organisations-, und Pferde-Aufstellungen

In my 38 years of experience as an independent therapist, my 20 years of experience as a Systemic- and Family Constellation Facilitator, and as a Teaching Therapist DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)  I follow my calling as an eternally joyful Learner! To be able to open myself to the New, the Unknown and thus to Life and to develop myself constantly. Together with my “students” my clear and deep approach discovers secrets, travels to unknown continents of emotions, events and destinies, clearing up misleading stones, getting them out of the way, clarifying and then pointing out new ways together.


Sometimes as a leader, and sometimes as guided by a force that carries us together!


In this way, me and my “students” are supported, and carried by the “Movements of the Soul” thus Peace, Joy, Claritfy, Strength and Love is brought into our lives.


My many years of professional experience, my life experience as a person and a woman in a multicultural family, being able to pass on people across Europe. That fills me with Hapiness, Passion and Great Gratitude!


Christine Huß-Doliana, Dipl. Sozialpäd. (FH)

Teaching Therapist DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)

Body Psychotherapist, Systemic Family Constellation Facilitatoand Systemic Coach


I undertake to act in accordance with the ethical guidelines and here to the Code of

Professional Conduct for the further education of the Forum Values Orientation in

Continuing Education e.V. and I am therefore entitled to carry the seal “Quality – Transparency – Integrity”.



Member of ISCA – International Systemic Constellation Association

  • 1986 – 2002

Practice for Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy in Kochel a. See, Germany


Groupleadings in different institutions of adult education

Teacher at the Academy of Social Education, Munich,

Supervision of students at the University of  Social Pedagogic, Benediktbeuern


  • 1998  Foundation of the

Istitute for Family Constellations and Biodynamic Psychology 


Further Educations,

Leading of groups in systemic body work and familyconstellations

Coaching of Leaders in Social Centers, Supervision, Systemic Consulting, Systemic- and Familyconstellations.

in Italy, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland.


  • 2000 Foundation of the

Leading of groups and single work in

Equine-Systemic Coaching and Equine Constellations with my own horses


  • 2015

Education and Further Education Institute for Systemic Resolutions Maremma Toscana, Scansano – Italy

Solving problems in professional and private contexts with the “Systemic Perspective”

  • 1963 – 1975

Commercial School – Secretary School

working as a chief secretary in different companies

  • 1975 – 1978

Study at the Academy for Social Education, St. Elisabeth, Augsburg

  • 1977 – 1979

Senior Educator University Augsburg project for homeless children

  •  1979 – 1984

Study in Social Education, Dipl. Sozialpäd. (FH)

University – Kath. Stiftungsfachhochschule, Munich

  • 1984 – 1987

Education in Biodynamic Psychology, Gerda Boyesen

Gerda Boyesen Institute International, Munich

with: Gerda, Paul, Ebba and Mona Lisa Boyesen

  • 1989 – 1991

Education in Deep Draining, Postural Body Work, Gerda Boyesen International Insttitute, Munich

GBM  Gerda Boyesen Method with Gerda Boyesen

  •  1992 – 1993

Biodynamic Dance Therapy (HKiT),

Gabriele Fischer Institute, Hamburg

  •  since 1995 – 2005

Various seminars with Bert Hellinger

  •   2001 – 2002

Education for professional experienced therapists in Family- and Systemic Constallations,

ZIST – Center for Social and Individual Therapy, Penzberg, Germany

with: Jakob R. Schneider, Dr. Ursula Franke, Dr. Albrecht Mahr,

Dr. Brigitte Gros, Dr. Eva Madelung, Dr. Ilse Kutschera, Dr. Hunter Beaumont

  • since 2004

Member of the DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)


  • since 2004

Member of the Association for Biodynamic Psychology

  • since 2017

Member of ISCA – International Systemic Constellation Association

  • since 2018

Teaching Therapist and Teaching Trainer DGfS (German Association for Systemic Constellations)

  • 2012 – 2013

Education in Chant Singing, Sound- and Healing Center, Munich

  • since 1993

Further Educations in

Horsemanship KFH Hempfling

Academical Art of Riding with:

Bent Branderup,

Sybille Augsberger,

Hanna Engström,,Celina Harich



Land Estate Podere Carbone, Scansano


The Education and Training Program have both: Instruction and Recreational Value!

You can share an apartment with other students on our estate or rent a room in the surrounding area, depending on your taste.

Podere Carbone, our place, is 5 minutes drive from our place to the little town Scansano. The famous sulphurous Hot Springs of Saturnia are about 20 minutes away. The sea and the lovely sea side towns of

Orbetello, Porto Santo Stefano are about 30 minutes.




My educations are at the moment only in German Language.


Education is Transformation
for you, your family, your animals, for your environment

Feel free to contact me:

Together we will work out what experiences you have already had in Systemic Work. What disciplines you worked with and what main topics can be integrated into your work.

Write to me at  [email protected], or fill-in the form below.


Duration: about 1 hour