Bert Hellinger died last week. I am so grateful about his work for myself, my family, my clients and what he gave to the world. Thank you Bert Hellinger, rest in peace!
Chants and The “Systemic Perspective”
Since years I have integrated Chants from all cultures, to all themes in my work with my „Systemic Perspective“
Durance a Family Constellation, durance Constellations, durance Individual Constellations.
Before, after, or in between the constellations they come to me and the group.
Before we start for the group it’s a coming together or after the workshops a good ending.
So Chants helps to opening up and to follow more easily the movements of the soul, especially when the movement stucks.
Chants are always songs, but not every song is a Chant.
A Chant comes always from the heart and developes it’s beauty
by repeating.
And so, as you see, I am not a great Singer, we have not to be great
Singers — but we and I sing always from all my Heart!